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Destination Details - Maldives
The Maldives is a sight to behold from the air. The magnificent spectacle of emerald islands strewn on a bed of blue velvet seas that flash below promises a vacation of a lifetime: dancing coconut trees arcing over glittering sand expanses; balmy temperatures; awe-inspiring, unspoilt underwater life and friendly welcoming people. The accommodation is unique in that each island is a separate beach resort, sharing one name. Each is restricted exclusively for the tourist with quaint, ethnic and yet very modern, comfortable beach-fronting rooms or chalets with well stocked refrigerators.
Fast Facts
Area 298 sq km (115 sq mi)
Capital City Malé
Languages Maldivian Divehi
Religion Sunni Muslim
Time GMT/UTC plus five hours
Electricity 220-40V, 50 Hz
Currency Rufiyaa; Symbol: Rf; Subdivision: 100 lari
Government Republic
Seasons to Visit:
It's monsoon all around the year in Maldives but in varying degrees. The main tourist season is from December to March when the sun comes out often. Tourist activity peaks around the Christmas-New Year week. It's wise to book in advance for this time. The rest of the year is prone to heavier rainfall but there many days even then which are bright and glorious. For serious divers the months of April and November (when the weather's changing) are supposed to offer exceptionally clear waters and the best viewing.
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